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The rebels

Something to think about: Matthew 7:24-25


There they are.  Surrounded by green, standing out like something that shouldn’t be there at all.   But there they are.   

They were created as giant snowpeople in the neighbourhood park late one night during the snowfall before Christmas.   Tall sentinels with solid bases that couldn’t be knocked down–the base was too strong and the snowmen too big.  Even when the temperatures started to rise, they stayed, and lasted until the next snowfall because they had been built well. 

The neighbourhood kids are waiting for the next snowstorm to build more. 

In our lives as Chrsitians, there are a lot of things we need to speak up for, a lot of places that need to hear about the love of Christ in situations where that love is not present. We need to be the snowpeople in the green field.  Standing where we’re not supposed to.   Standing out, standing up.  Standing with. Speaking out when we see places where there is injustice, inequity, and people not living the words “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul strength and mind, and your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12: 31).

It’s not easy to be a snowperson in a green field when the temperature is rising. We stand and bear witness to God’s love because we know what we’re made of, and what our strength is. How do we do that?   Reading some of the Bible each day, practicing sharing our story, seeking God in the small moments and the big ones, prayer, talking with each other about faith and faith questions and journeys all help us to have a foundation that can’t be melted when our environment shifts. Like these snow giants, the growth and foundation aren’t there instantly,   It takes work, and practice and day to day learning to build that foundation. 

When the temperature rises, we might not look like perfect snowpeople any longer.  But we are still there.   Still present.  Still changing the landscape.  We will have the foundation to last and stand out when we need to until the next snowstorm comes around. 

And perhaps, just perhaps, we will stand out so much that those around us will want to be like us too. 

May you find blessing and strength in your conversations with God this week–strength that will give you the foundation to be a witness for Jesus in everything. 

Peace in Christ, 

Rev. Susan Photo and content © Susan Kerr 2025.   May not be reproduced or circulated without permission of the author.