Burlington East – a thumbnail sketch

  • A welcoming Presbyterian congregation at 505 Walkers Line, close to the Walkers Line and New Street intersection in southeast Burlington; led by the Reverend Bruce McAnsh
  • Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. A nursery is provided for babies and young children and a Sunday school for older children through grade six
  • The choir leads a traditional style of worship, though occasionally we inject something different
  • The fully renovated facility is air conditioned, accessible, and has listening devices
  • Consistent attendance at worship of approximately 110 people
  • For further information, e-mail us at [email protected] or call the minister or office manager at (905) 637 5155.

On behalf of Jesus Christ, we warmly invite you to join us for worship

To learn more about BEPC, please scan our website and see our Events Calendar.